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.NET Maui Custom SkiaSharp control bindable properties not behaving as expected

I suck at titles, feel free to change it.

I found a tutorial for making custom controls in Maui using SkiaSharp. I modified it a little by using C# Markup instead of XAML. Except for having to instantiate the progress bar with ProgressBar.Maui.ProgressBar progressBar instead of ProgressBar progressBar, everything worked great.

I wanted to modify it a little by limiting the redraws to only happen after a certain progress change threshold was met. (i.e. only redraw every x% progress). I added a button that increments the progress by less then the threshold, so I should have to click the buttons a few times to see the progress bar update. However, the progress bar updates every time I click the button.

If I change the progress manually, like adding progressBar.Progress = 0.01f; to the end of my page constructor, the progress bar behaves as expected.

Here is all the relevant code [I think]

My library project only has 2 files


using SkiaSharp;
using SkiaSharp.Views.Maui;
using SkiaSharp.Views.Maui.Controls;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ProgressBar.Maui;

// All the code in this file is included in all platforms.
public class ProgressBar : SKCanvasView
   public static readonly BindableProperty ProgressProperty =
   BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Progress), typeof(float), typeof(ProgressBar), 0f, propertyChanged: OnBindablePropertyChanged);

   public static readonly BindableProperty ProgressColorProperty =
      BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ProgressColor), typeof(Color), typeof(ProgressBar), Colors.CornflowerBlue, propertyChanged: OnBindablePropertyChanged);

   public static readonly BindableProperty BaseColorProperty =
      BindableProperty.Create(nameof(BaseColor), typeof(Color), typeof(ProgressBar), Colors.LightGray, propertyChanged: OnBindablePropertyChanged);

   public float Progress
      get => (float)GetValue(ProgressProperty);
         if (Math.Abs(value - _previousProgress) >= _RedrawThreshold)
            SetValue(ProgressProperty, value);
            _previousProgress = value;
            Debug.WriteLine("Progress updated and surface invalidated.");
            Debug.WriteLine("Progress change below threshold. No redraw.");

   public Color ProgressColor
      get => (Color)GetValue(ProgressColorProperty);
      set => SetValue(ProgressColorProperty, value);
   public Color BaseColor
      get => (Color)GetValue(BaseColorProperty);
      set => SetValue(BaseColorProperty, value);

   // actual canvas instance to draw on
   private SKCanvas _canvas;

   // rectangle which will be used to draw the Progress Bar
   private SKRect _drawRect;

   // holds information about the dimensions, etc.
   private SKImageInfo _info;

   private const float _RedrawThreshold = 0.5f; // 1% change
   private float _previousProgress = 0f;

   private SKPaint _basePaint = new()
      Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
      IsAntialias = true,

   private SKPaint _progressPaint = new()
      Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
      IsAntialias = true,

   protected override void OnPaintSurface (SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)

      _canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;

      _info = e.Info;

      _drawRect = new SKRect(0, 0, _info.Width, _info.Height);


   private void DrawBase ()
      using SKPath basePath = new();


      _basePaint.Color = BaseColor.ToSKColor();

      _canvas.DrawPath(basePath, _basePaint);

   private void DrawProgress ()
      using SKPath progressPath = new();

      var progressRect = new SKRect(0, 0, _info.Width * Progress, _info.Height);


      _progressPaint.Color = ProgressColor.ToSKColor();

      _canvas.DrawPath(progressPath, _progressPaint);

   private static void OnBindablePropertyChanged (BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
      if (oldValue != newValue)



using SkiaSharp.Views.Maui.Handlers;

namespace ProgressBar.Maui;
public static class Registration
   public static MauiAppBuilder UseProgressBar(this MauiAppBuilder builder)
      builder.ConfigureMauiHandlers(h =>
         h.AddHandler<ProgressBar, SKCanvasViewHandler>();

      return builder;

My sample project contains


namespace ProgressBarSample.Views;

public partial class SamplePage : ContentPage
   public SamplePage (SampleViewModel viewModel)
      BindingContext = viewModel;

      Content = new VerticalStackLayout
         Spacing = 30,
         Padding = new Thickness(30, 0),
         VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,

         Children =
            new ProgressBar.Maui.ProgressBar()
               WidthRequest = 300,
               HeightRequest = 5,
               ProgressColor = Colors.DeepSkyBlue,
            .Assign(out ProgressBar.Maui.ProgressBar progressBar)
            .Bind(ProgressBar.Maui.ProgressBar.ProgressProperty, nameof(SampleViewModel.Progress), BindingMode.OneWay),

            new Button
               Text = "Increment",



namespace ProgressBarSample.ViewModels;

public partial class SampleViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private float progress = 0.01f;

    private void IncrementProgress()
        Progress +=0.01f;

BaseViewModel.cs is an empty class that inherits ObservableObject

I also added builder.UseProgressBar() to MauiProgram.cs


  • I think I figured it out. In C# Markup, the .Bind extensions binds to the ProgressProperty directly and not the public property Progress. This means, I think, that the threshold logic is never run when I click the button.

    I just reworked the logic a bit


    using SkiaSharp;
    using SkiaSharp.Views.Maui;
    using SkiaSharp.Views.Maui.Controls;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    namespace ProgressBar.Maui;
    // All the code in this file is included in all platforms.
    public class ProgressBar : SKCanvasView
       public static readonly BindableProperty ProgressProperty =
       BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Progress), typeof(float), typeof(ProgressBar), 0f, propertyChanged: OnProgressPropertyChanged, coerceValue: ClampProgressValue);
       public static readonly BindableProperty ProgressColorProperty =
          BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ProgressColor), typeof(Color), typeof(ProgressBar), Colors.CornflowerBlue, propertyChanged: OnColorPropertyChanged);
       public static readonly BindableProperty BaseColorProperty =
          BindableProperty.Create(nameof(BaseColor), typeof(Color), typeof(ProgressBar), Colors.LightGray, propertyChanged: OnColorPropertyChanged);
       public float Progress
          get => (float)GetValue(ProgressProperty);
          set => SetValue(ProgressProperty, value);
       public Color ProgressColor
          get => (Color)GetValue(ProgressColorProperty);
          set => SetValue(ProgressColorProperty, value);
       public Color BaseColor
          get => (Color)GetValue(BaseColorProperty);
          set => SetValue(BaseColorProperty, value);
       // actual canvas instance to draw on
       private SKCanvas _canvas;
       // rectangle which will be used to draw the Progress Bar
       private SKRect _drawRect;
       // holds information about the dimensions, etc.
       private SKImageInfo _info;
       private const float _RedrawThreshold = 0.1f; // 1% change
       private float _displayedProgress = 0f;
       private SKPaint _basePaint = new()
          Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
          IsAntialias = true,
       private SKPaint _progressPaint = new()
          Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
          IsAntialias = true,
       protected override void OnPaintSurface (SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
          _canvas = e.Surface.Canvas;
          _info = e.Info;
          _drawRect = new SKRect(0, 0, _info.Width, _info.Height);
       private void DrawBase ()
          using SKPath basePath = new();
          _basePaint.Color = BaseColor.ToSKColor();
          _canvas.DrawPath(basePath, _basePaint);
       private void DrawProgress ()
          using SKPath progressPath = new();
          var progressRect = new SKRect(0, 0, _info.Width * Progress, _info.Height);
          _progressPaint.Color = ProgressColor.ToSKColor();
          _canvas.DrawPath(progressPath, _progressPaint);
       private static void OnProgressPropertyChanged (BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
          if (oldValue == newValue)
          if ((float)newValue - ((ProgressBar)bindable)._displayedProgress >= _RedrawThreshold)
       private static void OnColorPropertyChanged (BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
          if (oldValue != newValue)
       public void Update ()
          if (_displayedProgress != Progress)
             _displayedProgress = Progress;
       private static object ClampProgressValue (BindableObject bindable, object value)
          return (float)value switch
             < 0 => 0,
             > 1 => 1,
             _ => value,