wandb: (1) Create a W&B account
wandb: (2) Use an existing W&B account
wandb: (3) Don't visualize my results
wandb: Enter your choice: 2
wandb: You chose 'Use an existing W&B account'
wandb: Logging into wandb.ai. (Learn how to deploy a W&B server locally: https://wandb.me/wandb-server)
wandb: You can find your API key in your browser here: https://wandb.ai/authorize
wandb: Paste an API key from your profile and hit enter, or press ctrl+c to quit:
Here my terminal in PyCharm freezes an I have no means whatsoever to enter or paste my API Key. On pressing enter nothing happens either. Any help or ideas?
Found an issue report on their GitHub here.
There is also a workaround proposed. Before even prompted to enter your API key you can do so in advance from your terminal like so..
wandb login xxxxxxxxxYOUR_KEY_HERExxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Or more generalized from @shaik moeed's comment refering to their documentation:
wandb login [OPTIONS] [KEY]
You will then not be asked to enter your Key later on and you won't get stuck.
Note: This is a workaround, not sure why my terminal did not like me to paste stuff, would still be nice to know whether you guys can reproduce or whether it's me.