Please help. I have these for loops:
path1 = None
for key, value in items:
if key.func1() == a and value == b:
path1 = key.func()
if path1 is None:
return False
for banana in bananas:
found_match = False
for key, value in items:
path2 = key.func()
if key == banana[0] and value == banana[1] and path1 in path2
found_match = True
if not found_match:
Both inner for loops look similar, but the second one has the path1 in path2
condition extra.
Is there a way to write this better? Maybe with a helper function? How would this look using list comprehension or lambda func? Thank you for any help, I am new to this.
By one of your comments, I assume items and bananas are something like this
a = "apple"
b = "berry"
itemsdict = {"a": "b", "c": "d", "apple": "berry", "e": "f"}
bananasdict = {"a": "b", "apple": "berry", "c": "d"}
items = itemsdict.items()
bananas = bananasdict.items()
With a helper function, I made something like this
def find (thedict, x, y):
for key, value in thedict:
if key == x and value == y:
return key.func()
return None
path1 = find(items, a, b)
if path1 is None:
return False
found_match = False
for bkey, bvalue in bananas:
path2 = find(items, bkey, bvalue)
if path2 is not None:
if path2 in path1:
found_match = True
if not found_match:
And you asked for a list comprehension version, this would be kinda straight forward like this
path1 = [k.func() for k, v in items if k == a and v == b] or None
# path1 is now a list containing the result of k.func()
if path1 is None:
return False
found_match = [True for bk, bv in bananas for k, v in items if k == bk and v == bv and k.func() in path1][0]
# same as aboth, result would be [True], so to get the bool value access it with [0]
if not found_match:
But I think you mistook list comprehension for what it is. As far as I understood, list comprehension is for creating lists or dictionaries, not work through existing data.
And for a lambda version, or more overall, you could use the filter()
lamb1 = lambda pair: pair[0] == a and pair[1] == b
lamb2 = lambda pair: pair[0] == a and pair[1] == b and pair[0].func() in path1
def filterfunc1(pair):
key, value = pair
if key == a and value == b:
return True
return False
def filterfunc2(pair):
key, value = pair
if key == a and value == b and key.func() in path1:
return True
return False
foundpair1 = dict(filter(filterfunc1, items)) # turn it in a dict containing the matching pairs
# there is no other generic way, known to me, to access a dict without knowing the key name, other than iteration
# also it just contains one item...
path1 = None
for k, v in foundpair1.items():
path1 = k.func()
if path1 is None:
return False
foundpair2 = dict(filter(lamb2, bananas))
if not foundpair2: # an empty dict equates to False
So here you can use the lamb1, lamb2
lambda functions or filterfunc1, filterfunc2
functions interchangeably.
Or put the lambda function in the filter()
call directly to make it more compact
foundpair1 = dict(filter(lambda pair: pair[0] == a and pair[1] == b, items))