How do I launch a child process (via shell) and read its output without (before) the child process returns?
I"m launching Google Chrome via the Mac Terminal with the following command:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d -t 'chrome-remote_data_dir')
This works well but the process does not end/return until I'me done with the browser. As soon as its launched, however, it prints the following to the console:
"DevTools listening on ws://"
I need to scrape that. I can successfully launch this in Deno (v. 1.36.3) using:
const myCMD = `/Applications/Google\\ Chrome`;
const p ={
cmd: [
"--user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d -t 'chrome-remote_data_dir')",
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "piped",
stdin: "piped",
await p.stdin.write(new TextEncoder().encode("Coming from stdin\n"));
await p.status();
But I can't read the value I need because the process does not complete and therefore the output never returns. Is there a way to read what a child process writes to the console before it returns?
FYI... I used the following article for reference:
You need to read from p.stdout
and p.stderr
, both are an instance of FsFile
so you can use .readable
to access the ReadableStream
or use the .read
method of FsFile
const myCMD = `/Applications/Google\\ Chrome`;
const p ={
cmd: [
"--user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d -t 'chrome-remote_data_dir')",
stdout: "piped",
stderr: "piped",
stdin: "piped",
(async() => {
for await(const chunk of p.stdout.readable) {
console.log(chunk, new TextDecoder().decode(chunk))
(async() => {
for await(const chunk of p.stderr.readable) {
console.log(chunk, new TextDecoder().decode(chunk))
await p.stdin.write(new TextEncoder().encode("Coming from stdin\n"));
await p.status();
Now you'll see the output of the process.