good day guys,
I want get all the responses of the same url in a page, so that I can merge the responses to process.
I tried with this code, it gives first response only, but there are ten of the same url request data/api.json
const responsePromise = page.waitForResponse(response => {
response.url().includes('data/api.json') && response.status() === 200
const response = await responsePromise;
const data = await response.json()
console.log(await response.allHeaders(), "allheader")
You can assign handlers on your requests, using page.on
You can declare an array, then push needed requests to it on event requestfinished
inside handler, then load the site (or do action that leads to your requests), use waitForResponse
of first request, wait for some condition when you expect that all requests were received (for example, for requests collection length is not changing along some time interval or network idle).
const responses: HTTPResponse[] = [];
const urlPart = 'data/api.json';
const handler = req => {
if (req.url().includes(urlPart) && req.response() && req.response().ok()) {
page.on('requestfinished', handler);
await page.goto("https://yourURL");
await page.waitForResponse(res => res.request().url().includes(urlPart));
// propbably there should be another condition where you are sure that no new responses are come
const jsons = await Promise.all( => r.json()));
jsons.forEach(json => console.log(json));