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Data Store clean up in unit test error - Only a single call to `runTest` can be performed during one test

Getting the following error,

Only a single call to runTest can be performed during one test.

In-unit tests for data store.

The issue is clearly because I have runTest in @After for data store cleanup after each test.

How do I fix this issue?

Data store testing reference

Migrating from runBlockingTest to runTest


class MyPreferencesDataSourceTest {
    private val testContext: Context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext()
    private val testDispatcher = UnconfinedTestDispatcher()
    private val testScope = TestScope(testDispatcher + Job())

    @get:Rule(order = 0)
    var hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    @get:Rule(order = 1)
    val mainDispatcherRule = MainDispatcherRule()

    private val testDataStore: DataStore<Preferences> = PreferenceDataStoreFactory.create(
        scope = testScope,
        produceFile = {
                name = AppConstants.APP_NAME,

    private lateinit var appPreferenceDataSource: AppPreferenceDataSource

    fun setUp() {
        appPreferenceDataSource = AppPreferenceDataSource(
            dataStore = testDataStore,

    fun tearDown() = testScope.runTest {
        testDataStore.edit {

    fun getCurrencyBase_returnsNull() = testScope.runTest {
        val result = appPreferenceDataSource.getData().first()



  • Though this is not exactly what I was looking for, this is the best solution I could find so far.

    I am open to better ways if there are any.

    Source - Kotlinlang Slack

    With a little modification from the Slack message, I created this helper function.

    private fun runTestAndCleanup(
        block: suspend () -> Unit,
    ) = testScope.runTest {
        testDataStore.edit {

    And I replaced all the usages of testScope.runTest with runTestAndCleanup.