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How can I have conditional parameter value in Azure Workbook?

How can I have conditional parameter value in Azure Workbook?

I want to have one parameter called environment. It has some text values. E.g. it has two values test and production.

Also, I want to have two other parameters: subscription and app_insights.

Now, I want to select the subscription and app_insights values automatically based on the environment parameter value.

So, here is how I am trying to select the test subscription for the subscription parameter when the environment parameter is test:

summarize by subscriptionId
| project subscriptionId=strcat("/subscriptions/", subscriptionId),
selected = case("{environment}" == "test" and subscriptionId == "test subscription id", true, false)

enter image description here

But it seems that the environment parameter does not get substituted for the "{environment}" placeholder. If I remove the "{environment}" == "test" check, then the test subscription gets selected as expected.

How can I use one parameter to decide the value of another parameter? Is there a better way to achieve what I want? Preferably I also want the subscription and app_insights parameters not to be shown to the user of the workbook and prevent them from being edited manually.


  • Here's an example which illustrates how a parameter can be conditional upon another.

    Let's say we have a parameter named Environment, of type Options group which gets data from the following JSON:

        { "value":"'dev'", "label":"dev", "selected":true },
        { "value":"'prod'", "label":"prod" }

    then, we can create a secondary parameter which will return a certain list if dev is selected, and a different one if prod is selected. This second parameter is of type Dropdown and is configured to run an Azure resource graph query across all subscriptions.

    | extend dev_subs = dynamic([
    | extend prod_subs = dynamic([
    | extend selection = {Environment}
    | extend output = iff(selection == "dev", dev_subs, prod_subs)
    | project output
    | mv-expand output
    | distinct tostring(output)

    when dev is selected in the first parameter, the second parameter will show a dropdown with options dev-sub1 and dev-sub2; when prod is selected, the second parameter will show a dropdown with options prod-sub1 and prod-sub2.