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Optimizing a Nested Loop Algorithm for Maximum Efficiency

I'm working on a project that involves processing a large dataset with nested loops, and I'm struggling to optimize my code for maximum efficiency. Here's my current approach, which I know is not efficient:

for i in range(N):
    for j in range(M):
        for k in range(L):
            # Perform some computations

In this code, N, M, and L are the sizes of the loops, and within the innermost loop, I'm performing some computations that take a significant amount of time.

I've tried various techniques like memoization and parallelization, but I'm still not achieving the performance I need. Are there any advanced optimization strategies or libraries that I can use to speed up this nested loop processing significantly? I'm open to suggestions in Python or any other language that can provide a substantial performance boost.


  • using multiprocessing in linux system

    from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool, Array, Manager
    import numpy as np
    N = 20
    M = 20
    L = 20
    ret = Array('f', N*M*L)
    def calcul(i, j, k, num,):
        global ret
        ret._obj[num] = i+j+k
        kk = 0
    def main():
        p = Pool(2)
        num = 0
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(M):
                for k in range(L):
                    # Perform some computations
                    # calcul(i, j, k, num)
                    p.apply_async(calcul, args=(i, j, k, num,))
                    # p.apply(calcul, args=(i, j, k, num,))
                    num += 1
    if __name__=="__main__":
        kk = []
        for i in range(N*M*L):
        k = 0

    in win10, it doesn't work