I'm trying to fake show a spinner when I "need" to run a long running piece of code (ok, so, it isn't long running, but I want it to seem that it is to my end user...)
On Android 12+
So, I've got the following shell script:
# the spinner function
spinner() {
# show the spinner
while :; do
for c in / - \\ \|; do
printf '%s\b' "$c";
sleep 0.025;
# sleep the length of time specified when calling this
sleep $(($1-1));
# backspace and kill the process
printf '\b';
kill $! && wait $!;
} 2>/dev/null
# call it!
spinner 5
It shows my spinner for 5 seconds, but also displays the following: [1] 17823
before it... (which appears to be the pid of this, so that last number always changes...)
Any ideas how I can get rid if that?
With a couple of changes, this worked for me :
# the spinner function
spinner() {
# show the spinner
while :; do
for c in / - \\ \|; do
printf '%s\b' "$c";
sleep 0.025;
done &
} 2>/dev/null
# sleep the length of time specified when calling this
sleep $(($1-1));
# backspace and kill the process
printf '\b';
kill $! && wait $!;
} 2>/dev/null
# call it!
spinner 5