Error on startup on terminal/iterm2 First post on stack overflow.
I keep getting this error. I've looked around the web for a fix but to no avail.
I suspect it's something related to my .zshrc file. My suspicion arises because for the past two days I've gone on the journey of customizing my terminal by downloading many things (oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k, to name a few).
AFAIK the functionality of my terminal/iterm2 seems to be working fine. But this error message is getting to me.
Thank you.
Beginning snippet of my .zshrc file
I looked into my .zshrc, .zprofile files and looked at lines which began with 'export'. Apparently the word 'export' is a built-in zsh, so there shouldn't be a reason for the command to not be found, right?
This looks like you used the wrong kind of double quotes. You must use ASCII double quotes "
(code decimal 34), not some "curly" double quotes found in Unicode and outside the ASCII range. This usually happens when cutting & pasting from Word documents or other applications that automatically change double quotes to curly double quotes for aesthetic/typography reasons.