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I have restarted My Django for Other Project But it's still trying to load Previous project files

I have worked on Django Project where I create applications hello, newyear, and tasks. Now, I have to work on a different Project I got it's file from CMD I opened it in visual studio and then created a virtual environment and installed Django in it, but When I have run the server it's showing this output: in the image

enter image description here

it's trying to open the previous project files instead this project. However, the ip address given by django was same for both projects.

Please help, I am new to programing.

thank you very much

I am trying to create django server for the project file I download online from a course cs50web So, I can run that project.


  • This is because your old project server is still running. Stop it with Ctr+C. Then start the server of your new project.