I’m trying to write something like this:
(setq l '(nil t nil nil))
(seq-reduce 'and l t)
I get this error:
Invalid function: and
My understanding, after a bit of googling, is that this is due to and
being a special form
What would be a good way to make this work? Is there a function equivalent to and
? Is there some way to make a function out of a special form? I couldn’t find any documentation about this. I tried to write a function that does what and
does, but that seems overkill.
The seq-reduce
function uses funcall
to invoke its function argument, and as shown in the funcall
documentation, a special form like and
can't be passed to it; calling (funcall 'and t nil)
results in an Invalid function: #<subr and>
You can make the call to and
in a lambda
(let ((l '(nil t nil nil)))
(seq-reduce (lambda (acc v) (and acc v)) l t))