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Merge multiple intervals by splitting

There're two arrays: regular_events and special_events. Each of them contains multiple arrays, which present as [start_time, end_time]

// Only one event, starts from 5:00 to 10:00
regular_events = [[5, 10]] 

// First event starts from 0:00 to 3:00, and second event starts from 12:00 to 15:00
special_events = [[0, 3], [12, 15]] 

I want to implemnt a function SplitMerge to merge these events.

There're some rules for merging:

  1. If there's no overlapping events, it will be merged.
  2. If special_events is overlapping regular_events, the special_events will be keep, and regular_events will be increased or splitted.
  3. special_events are not overlapping with each other.
  4. regular_events are not overlapping with each other.
  5. regular_events and special_events are sorted by start_time

For some example:

  1. Non overlapping:
    • Input: regular_events = [[5,10]], special_events = [[0,3],[11,15]]
    • Output: [[0,3],[5,10],[11,15]]
    • Explanation: The special_events and regular_events are not overlapping with each other, merge them as result.
  2. Partially overlapping:
    • Input: regular_events = [[5,10]], special_events = [[3,7],[9,12]]
    • Output: [[3,7],[7,9],[9,12]]
    • Explanation: The special_events[0] and special_events[1] is partially overlapping with regular_events[0], decrease the regular_events[0] to [7,9] as result
  3. Fully overlapping:
    • Input: regular_events = [[5,10]], special_events = [[7,8]]
    • Output: [[5,7],[7,8],[8,10]
    • Explanation: The special_events[0] is fully overlapping on regular_events[0], it split regular_events to [[5,7],[8,10]] and merge [[7,8]] as result.
  4. Cross overlapping:
    • Input: regular_events = [[5,10], [12,15]], special_events = [[8,14]]
    • Output: [[5,8],[8,14],[14,15]]
    • Explanation: The special_events[0] is partially overlapping both regular_events[0] and regular_events[1], it decrease regular_events and merge as result.

I've tried solve it by slice (in Go) and Linked List (in Python), but not in use.

I also asked GitHub Copilot Chat, it gaves the answer:

def SplitMerge(events, special_events):
    merged = []
    i, j = 0, 0
    while i < len(events) and j < len(special_events):
        if events[i][1] <= special_events[j][0]:
            i += 1
        elif events[i][0] >= special_events[j][1]:
            j += 1
            if events[i][0] < special_events[j][0]:
                merged.append([events[i][0], special_events[j][0]])
            if events[i][1] > special_events[j][1]:
                merged.append([special_events[j][1], events[i][1]])
            i += 1
    while i < len(events):
        i += 1
    while j < len(special_events):
        j += 1
    return merged

But it didn't work in case 2: Partially overlapping.


  • Consider the next implementation

    evs holds sorted time points with event type

    state remembers active events

    def SplitMerge(events, special_events):
        evs = []
        for e in events:
            evs.append((e[0], 2))
            evs.append((e[1], 0))
        for s in special_events:
            evs.append((s[0], 3))
            evs.append((s[1], 1))
        merged = []
        state = 0
        for ev in evs:
            if ev[1] == 2:    #regular start
                last_reg = ev[0]
                state |= 2
            elif ev[1] == 3:   #special start
                if (state == 2) and (ev[0] > last_reg):
                    merged.append([last_reg, ev[0]])
                last_spec = ev[0]
                state |= 1
            elif ev[1] == 0:    #regular end
                if state == 2:
                    merged.append([last_reg, ev[0]])
                state &= 1       #clear regular bit
            else: #1     #special end
                merged.append([last_spec, ev[0]])
                if (state & 2):
                    last_reg = ev[0]
                state &= 2      #clear special bit
        return merged
    regular_events = [[5,10]]
    special_events = [[0,3],[11,15]]
    regular_events = [[5,10]]
    special_events = [[3,7],[9,12]]
    #regular_events = [[5,10]]
    #special_events = [[7,8]]
    #regular_events = [[5,10], [12,15]]
    #special_events = [[8,14]]
    print(SplitMerge(regular_events, special_events))