I have 2 pages, containing 1 Form Each (Page 1 has ACCOUNT INFORMATION, Page 2 has CARD INFORMATION) in an Oracle Apex Application I'm building.
When the user enters their Account Number in the ACCOUNT INFORMATION form, in Field P1_ACCOUNT_NUM and they save their entry, THEN the same Account Number must be Auto Populated into the CARD INFORMATION form in Field P2_AID (This page item is used as a Foreign Key coming from ACCOUNT INFORMATION)
I would like to have this accomplished using a Dynamic Action OR, if deemed easier, using a Process.
Note: Both forms are triggered by a CREATE button. Both forms are based off of Tables from a DATABASE bearing similar name.
How can I accomplish this?
Usual way to do that is to
Whichever way you choose to navigate from one page to another, you should use any available option to pass values between those pages. Link is the most usual way:
As usual, there's more than one way to do that.