I am using the electron and developing the desktop application.
I have changed application's name and try change notification label.
app.setName("My Application");
By this code, app's title is changed "My Application".
const notification = {
title: CustomNotyTypes[rows[i].notytype] + ": " + rows[i].notytitle,
body: nBody,
timeoutType: "default",
timeout: 5000,
appName: "Restoration Calendar",
icon: nativeImage.createFromPath(
path.join(__dirname, "resources", "icon.png")
new Notification(notification).show();
But "electron.app" label of system notification is not changed. I want to solve this issue.
Please look at same question on Stackoverflow.
Notification from electron shows electron.app.Electron
Anyway, I solved same issue using app.setAppUserModelId() method.