I have a PL/SQL procedure that is used for testing only. It checks for differences between select results. The problem is that one of the selects (SELECT A) takes a long time to process and its results are used in 5 other selects. So it has to run 5 times.
I don't have much experience with PL/SQL. I would like to somehow store results of (SELECT A) so that it has to run only once. I hope it increases performance of the whole procedure.
All selects (SELECT A, SELECT B, SELECT C, SELECT D) are rows of 3 columns that need to be compared.
I can't use execute immediate.
Currently the code looks like this (with simplified SQLs):
create or replace package body TESTS AS
res1 numeric;
res2 numeric;
res3 numeric;
procedure compare_groups as
for res in (
select distinct id as user_id
from users
) loop
select count(*) into res1 from (
(SELECT A where user_id = res.user_id) MINUS (SELECT B where user_id = res.user_id)
select count(*) into res2 from (
(SELECT A where user_id = res.user_id) MINUS (SELECT C where user_id = res.user_id)
select count(*) into res3 from (
(SELECT A where user_id = res.user_id) MINUS (SELECT D where user_id = res.user_id)
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Res1: ' || res1);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Res2: ' || res2);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Res3: ' || res3);
end loop;
end compare_groups;
end TESTS;
How about CTE?
This is a dummy example, I hope you'll get the idea.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
2 res1 numeric;
3 res2 numeric;
4 res3 numeric;
5 begin
6 for res in (select distinct user_id from t_users) loop
7 with ta as
8 (select * from a where user_id = res.user_id)
9 select
10 (select count(*) from (select * from ta
11 minus
12 select * from b where user_id = res.user_id
13 )
14 ),
15 (select count(*) from (select * from ta
16 minus
17 select * from c where user_id = res.user_id
18 )
19 ),
20 (select count(*) from (select * from ta
21 minus
22 select * from d where user_id = res.user_id
23 )
24 )
25 into res1, res2, res3
26 from dual;
28 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('User ID = ' || res.user_id || ' --------------');
29 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Res1: ' || res1);
30 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Res2: ' || res2);
31 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Res3: ' || res3);
32 end loop;
33 end;
34 /
User ID = 99 --------------
Res1: 0
Res2: 0
Res3: 0
User ID = 10 --------------
Res1: 1
Res2: 3
Res3: 0
User ID = 20 --------------
Res1: 5
Res2: 2
Res3: 0
User ID = 30 --------------
Res1: 0
Res2: 0
Res3: 0
User ID = 40 --------------
Res1: 0
Res2: 0
Res3: 0
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.