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Show a 'new' badge on a docusaurus sidebar item

I'm using docusaurus for our product documentation.

Regarding the sidebar, I would like to add a 'new' badge after some sidebar items to indicate that the item documentation is new.

Something like that: new label on item

To do that, in sidebar.js, I tried to do this:

          "type": "doc",
          "id": "mydocid",
          "label": 'mydoc subject',
          "className": "newText"

I tried to use .newText::after to add an image but it doesn't work. Any thoughts ?


  • This is somewhat of a workaround. The advantages of this solution is that docusaurus generates a sidebar for you. Therefore, you do not need to maintain the sidebar.

    In the sidebar.js file, you can keep it as autogenerated.

    const sidebars = {
      docs: [{type: 'autogenerated', dirName: '.'}],

    Add the new badge (emoji) in the markdown title like so:

    # Test 🆕

    Sidebar result:

    enter image description here