I am having source data like this:
Scenario 1:
as_of_date | issue_id | issue_status_name |
9/1/2020 | 123456 | Pending Validation |
9/2/2020 | 123456 | Pending Validation |
9/3/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
9/4/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
9/5/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
9/6/2020 | 123456 | |
9/7/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
9/8/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
9/9/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
9/10/2020 | 123456 | Closed |
this query is giving correct values:
Basically when status in pending validation or closed
row_number() over (partition by issue_id order by as_of_date) - row_number() over (partition by issue_id, output_flag order by as_of_date) as grp
from issues cross apply
(values (case when issue_status_name in ('Pending Validation', 'Closed')
then 1 else 0 end)) v(output_flag)
case when output_flag = 1 then min(as_of_date) over (partition by issue_id, grp) end as desired_output
from cte
order by as_of_date```
Scenario 2:
when previous status = pending sustaibility and current status in (validation or closed) we get that records asofdt and carry forward
we set null when reverse happens like desired output
as_of_date | issue_id | issue_status_name | Prev_status_name | Desired_Output |
9/1/2020 | 456789 | Pending Validation | NULL | NULL |
9/2/2020 | 456789 | Pending Validation | Pending Validation | NULL |
9/3/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Pending Validation | NULL |
9/4/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | NULL |
9/5/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | NULL |
9/6/2020 | 456789 | Pending Sustainability | Closed | NULL |
9/7/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Pending Sustainability | 9/7/2020 |
9/8/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | 9/7/2020 |
9/9/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | 9/7/2020 |
9/10/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | 9/7/2020 |
I tried this query but it gives completely wrong output: https://dbfiddle.uk/NskgiHL3
row_number() over (partition by issue_id order by as_of_date) - row_number() over (partition by issue_id, output_flag order by as_of_date) as grp
from issues cross apply
(values (case when issue_status_name in ('Pending Validation', 'Closed') and prev_status_name = 'Pending Sustainability'
then 1 else 0 end)) v(output_flag)
case when output_flag = 1 then min(as_of_date) over (partition by issue_id, grp) end as desired_output
from cte
Fixed your date format (but it's better to insert it properly in the first place) - fixed_date
I found the latest row which changed to Close, for each issue_id - latest_close
If the latest_close date is past (or equal) to current - show it - case
with cte as
select *
from issues
outer apply
select convert(date,as_of_date, 101) as fixed_date
) as fix
select curr.*,
when latest_close.fixed_date <= curr.fixed_date
then latest_close.fixed_date
end as res
from cte as curr
outer apply
select top(1)
from cte as latest_close
where latest_close.issue_id = curr.issue_id
and latest_close.issue_status_name = 'Closed'
and latest_close.Prev_status_name <> 'Closed'
order by latest_close.fixed_date desc
) as latest_close
order by curr.issue_id, curr.fixed_date
as_of_date | issue_id | issue_status_name | Prev_status_name | Desired | fixed_date | res |
9/1/2020 | 456789 | Pending Validation | null | null | 2020-09-01 | null |
9/2/2020 | 456789 | Pending Validation | Pending Validation | null | 2020-09-02 | null |
9/3/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Pending Validation | null | 2020-09-03 | null |
9/4/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | null | 2020-09-04 | null |
9/5/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | null | 2020-09-05 | null |
9/6/2020 | 456789 | Pending Sustainability | Closed | null | 2020-09-06 | null |
9/7/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Pending Sustainability | 9/7/2020 | 2020-09-07 | 2020-09-07 |
9/8/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | 9/7/2020 | 2020-09-08 | 2020-09-07 |
9/9/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | 9/7/2020 | 2020-09-09 | 2020-09-07 |
9/10/2020 | 456789 | Closed | Closed | 9/7/2020 | 2020-09-10 | 2020-09-07 |