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How to sum values by symbol in kdb/q, and output to a new table that summarizes the data

I have a table that has incremental data for a symbol, and what I want to do is aggregate the data and create a summary table, where it only shows the symbol, earliest time of data available, and the sum of the data.

However, I am hitting a roadblock when trying to group by symbol, and I'm not sure how I can get the earliest time of data per symbol, and I appreciate any suggestions you may have.

My data looks like this:

DateTime Symbol Value
1/1/20 2am A 2
1/1/20 12pm A 5
1/1/20 3pm A 1
1/1/20 9pm A 4
1/1/20 2am B 1
1/1/20 12pm B 3
1/1/20 3pm B 6
1/1/20 9pm B 9

I am trying to see how I can make a table that looks something like this:

DateTime Symbol Value
1/1/20 2am A 12
1/1/20 2am B 19

Here is what I have currently: update Sum: sums (sums;Value) fby Symbol from TABLE

But this just copies the table and adds a column called Sum to the right of it, summing the previous amounts by Symbol. Note that this also doesn't try to get the first DateTime value per symbol.

I also tried this: update (NEW: sum Value by Symbol) by DateTime from TABLE

My thinking was that this might get the sum of all Values by Symbol and then I can just keep the earliest DateTime per Symbol, creating a table called NEW in the process, but this doesn't work at all. When I run this it gives me an error, saying the 'by' keyword is somehow not right:

[0]  update (NEW: sum Value by Symbol) by DateTime from TABLE

I appreciate any help from the kdb/q community. I wish I was experienced enough to understand the error messages. I feel like fby is helpful, but that may just be to add new columns to the table in question, so not sure if there's a different function that could be helpful for my case.


  • Similarly to your question yesterday, by can achieve what you want in one statement:

    select min DateTime, sum Value by Symbol from TABLE