This is my code:
x = linspace(0,10);
y1 = sin(x);
title('Subplot 1: sin(x)')
y2 = sin(2*x);
title('Subplot 2: sin(2x)')
y3 = sin(4*x);
title('Subplot 3: sin(4x)')
y4 = sin(8*x);
title('Subplot 4: sin(8x)')
But I am getting this error: Execution of script subplot as a function is not supported: /MATLAB Drive/subplot.m
My file is named 'hello.m'
Please help me resolve this error.
This error means that you are overriding the built-in subplot
function with a script you created with the same name, subplot.m
, and is present on the path.
I would suggest to run:
which subplot
in matlab command window, this will return the path to the file/function that matlab is using, most probably in your case the custom made one, not the built-in.
The built-in path should look more or less like this:
where 20xxy is your version (ie 2022a)
If you are overriding it will return the path to you script instead, .. /MATLAB Drive/subplot.m
The solution is to rename your script. I would strongly advice to avoid renaming or modifying the built-in function