Inexperienced in python here.
I have a pandas
where one of the columns is of type datetime64[ns]
. When attempting to save data to Google Sheets using gspread
, I get an "Object of type Timestamp is not JSON serializable
" error (last line in the code snippet below). The way i understand this, I can change the datetime64[ns]
to string
, and it should theoretically work just fine, however there are some advantages to keeping date/time column as datetime64[ns]
in pandas
. Are there any good ways to dump the data to google sheets without changing data type in data frame? this is my code:
cred = "service_account.json"
url = ""
course_tm = pd.DataFrame.from_records([s.to_dict() for s in ft_records])
sa = gspread.service_account(filename=cred)
spreadsheet = sa.open_by_url(url)
worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheet("Sheet1")
worksheet.update([course_tm.columns.values.tolist()] + course_tm.values.tolist())
Thank you in advance
I believe your goal is as follows.
In this case, how about the following modification?
Before you test this script, please set the column name of "datetime64[ns]" to col_name
cred = "service_account.json"
url = ""
course_tm = pd.DataFrame.from_records([s.to_dict() for s in ft_records])
sa = gspread.service_account(filename=cred)
spreadsheet = sa.open_by_url(url)
worksheet = spreadsheet.worksheet("Sheet1")
# I modified the below script.
col_name = "### column name ###" # Please set column name of "datetime64[ns]"
temp = course_tm.copy()
temp[col_name] = temp[col_name].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
worksheet.update([temp.columns.values.tolist()] + temp.values.tolist(), value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')
. By this, the inserted date string values are put as the date object. You can modify the date format on the Spreadsheet.