I am new to python and just started learning it today.
I have installed Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and using VS as my Editor.
My test python programs run correctly but the at the last line in the output window I see the following
The thread 'Python Thread' (0x6f4) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Please advice me what this error means and how can I resolve it. Thanks a bunch in advance!
Edit: Also, whenever I try to run my program by pressing F5 (Start Debugging), it opens up a command window titled c:\Program Files\Python32\python.exe, it seems to be calling the main python file from its location. Is it supposed to open up that command window for a second? I suspect if that command window is the "Python Thread" in question.
For all the future new explorers or python:
If you are using Python Tools for Visual Studios, you might want to build your program with Shift+Alt+F5 instead of just F5. This will output in Python interactive window inside VS and it will not display annoying command window popup.
That means the script executed successfully. If the code was anything other than zero, that would indicate an error.
Yes, that command window is likely the "Python Thread".