I am trying to load data into training loop, however, "TypeError: 'list' object is not callable" keeps occuring.
Here is the function used for loading data:
def data_loader(data, transform, batch_size, cache=False):
# this function uses the monai framework
if cache:
data_ds = CacheDataset(data=data, transform=transform,cache_rate=1.0)
data_loader = DataLoader(data_ds, batch_size=batch_size)
data_ds = Dataset(data=data, transform=transform)
data_loader = DataLoader(data_ds, batch_size=batch_size)
return data_loader
In the main script of code, the data is loaded using the function above:
train_loader = data_loader(train, transform(train=True), batch_size, cache=True)
where the variable train
is a list of python dictionaries of images and masks.
Then the train_loader
is passed into the train()
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
trainLoss = train(model, train_loader, optimizer, loss_fn)
the train function returns epoch loss value. However, when the variable train_loader
is passed to train()
, the error occurs.
Here is the code for train function:
def train (model, loader, optimizer, dice_loss, device=torch.device('cuda')):
epoch_loss = 0.0
for data in loader:
# split data to image and mask
image = data['image']
mask = data['mask']
# send data to gpu for accelerated process
image = image.to(device)
mask = mask.to(device)
# zero the gradients before backpropagation
# feed data to model and get predicted mask
pred_mask = model(image)
# calculate loss value by comparing predicted and original mask
# perform backpropagation, update parameters and calculate epoch loss
loss = dice_loss(pred_mask, mask)
epoch_loss += loss.item()
epoch_loss = epoch_loss/len(loader)
return epoch_loss
The code seems to work if I don't use a function:
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
epoch_loss = 0.0
for data in train_loader:
# split data to image and mask
image = data['image']
mask = data['mask']
# send data to gpu for accelerated process
image = image.to(device)
mask = mask.to(device)
# zero the gradients before backpropagation
# feed data to model and get predicted mask
pred_mask = model(image)
# calculate loss value by comparing predicted and original mask
# perform backpropagation, update parameters and calculate epoch loss
loss = loss_fn(pred_mask, mask)
epoch_loss += loss.item()
trainLoss = epoch_loss/len(train_loader)
Is there a way to fix the error whilst still using the function or should I just not use the function?
In Python functions and variables can override each other. Therefore when you define the function train() you are overwriting the train dictionary of data. Python: function and variable with the same name
>>> a = 5
>>> a
>>> def a():
... return 3
>>> a
<function a at 0x103697160>
I would suggest just renaming the train dictionary to train_data.
I would also watch out for naming variables "input" or "list" as this will cause issues since you are overwriting Python's default classes.