My Java+PostgreSQL application sometimes gets errors about not being able to lock a row. In these cases I'd like to log some information about the other transaction which keeps the row locked.
How can I get more information about this other transaction in a Java program? Can I somehow give names to the transactions I create in my app and make Postgres report the name of the other transaction in case of a locking failure?
Unless the row is locked by more that a single transaction (which is rare), you can find the transaction that locks the row with id = 1
in table locks
like this:
SELECT xmax FROM locks WHERE id = 1;
(1 row)
The session that belongs to this transaction is found as follows:
SELECT pid FROM pg_locks
WHERE transactionid = 761 AND mode = 'ExclusiveLock';
(1 row)
You can terminate the locking session with
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(5460);