I am attempting to group a range of rows in Excel using the win32com python api for Excel Objects. I can't seem to get it to work. My code is as follows:
excel = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Excel.Application")
excel.Visible = True
book = excel.ActiveWorkbook
sheet = book.Worksheets("Test")
# trying to get a range of rows using various methods.
# Using cell ranges
sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(6, 1),sheet.Cells(15,1)).Group
# Using row ranges
sheet.Range(sheet.Rows(6), sheet.Rows(15)).Rows.Group
# Using the rows range method
I found this post, but the answer is not clear as noted in the comments. It seems like the group method needs a range object, however my tests above just aren't doing anything. No errors are occurring either.
for reference, I am using python 2.7 and Excel 2010
Provided code tested on Python 3.11 + Excel 365. It should work well on your env.
# Using cell ranges
sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(6, 1),sheet.Cells(15,1)).EntireRow.Rows.Group()
# Using row ranges
sheet.Range(sheet.Rows(1), sheet.Rows(3)).Rows.Group()
# Using the rows range method
# Using A1 reference