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Using fby for cumulative sum in KDB/Q, but not getting the right output

I am trying to use the fby function to create a new column that cumulatively sums a Volume column by a Symbol.

I have a table named x that looks like this:

Timestamp Symbol VOL Price
Cell 1 A 2 10
Cell 2 A 5 20
Cell 3 A 2 10
Cell 4 B 3 20
Cell 5 B 6 10
Cell 6 B 1 20

I tried the following fby function to do so, but it just spits out the same as the "VOL" column:

x: update cumSum: sums (deltas;VOL) fby Symbol from x


Timestamp Symbol VOL Price cumSumVOL
Cell 1 A 2 10 2
Cell 2 A 5 20 5
Cell 3 A 2 10 2
Cell 4 B 3 20 3
Cell 5 B 6 10 6
Cell 6 B 1 20 1

However, this is what I am expecting the following:

Timestamp Symbol VOL Price cumSumVOL
Cell 1 A 2 10 2
Cell 2 A 5 20 7
Cell 3 A 2 10 9
Cell 4 B 3 20 3
Cell 5 B 6 10 9
Cell 6 B 1 20 10

Please let me know if you know where I'm making a mistake or have some advice, appreciate the help.


  • deltas isn't needed in your above example - below will accomplish what you're looking to do

    q)show x:([]Timestamp:"Cell ",/:"123456";Symbol:`A`A`A`B`B`B;VOL:2 5 2 3 6 1;Price:6#10 20)
    Timestamp Symbol VOL Price
    "Cell 1"  A      2   10
    "Cell 2"  A      5   20
    "Cell 3"  A      2   10
    "Cell 4"  B      3   20
    "Cell 5"  B      6   10
    "Cell 6"  B      1   20
    q)update cumSumVOL:(sums;VOL)fby Symbol from x
    Timestamp Symbol VOL Price cumSumVOL
    "Cell 1"  A      2   10    2
    "Cell 2"  A      5   20    7
    "Cell 3"  A      2   10    9
    "Cell 4"  B      3   20    3
    "Cell 5"  B      6   10    9
    "Cell 6"  B      1   20    10