I am trying to solve this code challenge:
Write a LMC program that calculates the sum of numbers provided by the user. Display the summation as output before halting the program. If the user has provided less than or equal to ten input values, then only sum even numbers. Odd numbers are ignored. If the user has provided more than ten values, then only sum any odd numbers subsequent to the tenth input. The existing summation of even numbers shall remain. If the user enters zero, at any point, then the summation is displayed.
For example:
Input values: 3, 3, 4, 0
Result:4Input values: 2, 3, 7, 0
Result: 2Input values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 0
Result: 43
This is the code I ended up with:
STA input
BRZ halt
LDA inputCounter
SUB ten
BRP afterTen
// Input <= 10
LDA input
STA isEven
SUB one
BRP oddNumber
LDA isEven
ADD one
STA isEven
SUB two
BRZ evenNumber
oddNumber LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
evenNumber LDA input
ADD evenSum
STA evenSum
LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
// Input > 10
afterTen LDA input
STA isEven
SUB one
BRP evenAfterTen
LDA isEven
ADD one
STA isEven
SUB two
BRZ oddAfterTen
evenAfterTen LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
oddAfterTen LDA input
ADD oddSum
STA oddSum
LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
// Display sum
halt LDA evenSum
ADD oddSum
// Variables
evenSum DAT 0
oddSum DAT 0
inputCounter DAT 0
isEven DAT 0
input DAT 0
// Constants
one DAT 1
two DAT 2
ten DAT 10
When running the above for the first example input, I already get the wrong output (0 instead of the expected 4):
When I step through the code, I see that after having read the first input it gets into the correct section (Input <= 10), and correctly identifies the first number as odd. The input counter is correctly incremented, and the next input is taken.
So it continues for the other inputs, and once 0 is input, it correctly jumps to the last section to output the result.
But for the input 4 it also jumps to the oddNumber
section, and doesn't execute the code that subtracts 2 from it. By consequence the necessary addition to evenSum
is not performed either. Why is the BRP
instruction not branching?
Where is my mistake?
The problem is in the part that checks whether a number is even. That code will first subtract 1, and if that instruction does not lead to negative overflow, it is concluded that the number is odd! This is obviously not (always) true. For instance if you start out with 2, then it wrongly concludes it is odd.
To test whether a number is odd, you would need (under LMC's limitations) a loop where you repeatedly subtract the number 2 until you get to zero or get negative overflow.
As you have similar code in the second half of your code, the problem is repeated there as well.
Here is a correction:
#input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0
start INP
STA input
BRZ halt
LDA inputCounter
SUB ten
BRP afterTen
// First ten inputs:
LDA input
repeat1 STA isEven
SUB two # subtract 2
BRP continue
BRA oddNumber # negative overflow! => result was -1, input is odd
continue BRZ evenNumber # zero => input is even
BRA repeat1 # neither: continue to subtract 2...
evenNumber LDA input
ADD evenSum
STA evenSum
oddNumber LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
// From 10th input onwards:
afterTen LDA input
repeat2 STA isEven
SUB two
BRP continue2
BRA oddAfterTen
continue2 BRZ evenAfterTen
BRA repeat2
oddAfterTen LDA input
ADD oddSum
STA oddSum
evenAfterTen LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
// Display sum
halt LDA evenSum
ADD oddSum
// Variables
evenSum DAT 0
oddSum DAT 0
inputCounter DAT 0
isEven DAT 0
input DAT 0
// Constants
one DAT 1
two DAT 2
ten DAT 10
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/trincot/lmc@v0.816/lmc.js"></script>
There is no need for a separate evenSum
and oddSum
. You can just add to the same sum
There is some code repetition: two pieces of code perform an odd/even test. You can avoid this repetition by adding 1 to isEven
when dealing with the inputs after the first ten, and then you can use the same code to perform the odd/even test, as by adding 1 you inverse the outcome.
is a mailbox that is not really needed: the odd/even test can be done directly on the accumulator value without ever storing it to isEven
As the Little Man Computer has a reset feature, which restarts the program without resetting the mailbox contents to their original values (including DAT
), you would get inconsistent output as in particular the evenSum
and oddSum
"variables" would then not be reset. To avoid this, add instructions to set the sum(s) to zero at the very start of the program.
Here is the code with those improvements:
#input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0
LDA zero
STA sum # To avoid problems after LMC-reset
start INP
STA input
BRZ halt
LDA inputCounter
SUB ten
BRP afterTen
LDA input
BRA testeven
afterTen LDA input
ADD one # By adding one, we inverse the odd/even test
testeven SUB two # subtract 2
BRP continue
BRA oddNumber # negative overflow! => result was -1, input is odd
continue BRZ evenNumber # zero => input is even
BRA testeven # neither: continue to subtract 2...
evenNumber LDA input
ADD sum
STA sum
oddNumber LDA inputCounter
ADD one
STA inputCounter
BRA start
// Display sum
halt LDA sum
// Variables
sum DAT 0
inputCounter DAT 0
input DAT 0
// Constants
zero DAT 0
one DAT 1
two DAT 2
ten DAT 10
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/trincot/lmc@v0.816/lmc.js"></script>