I recently used a proc template on SAS to make some results stand out, but it seems I accidentally overwrote the default settings to display crosstabs from proc freq, as all my crosstabs are now displayed with my defined format.
I basically did a proc template thinking it was like a non-permanent procedure (I used a piece of code from the internet).
proc template; define crosstabs Base.Freq.CrossTabFreqs; cell_style={foreground=color. fontweight=bold background=light grey};end; run;
If I use ods path sashelp.tmplmst(read);
, my crosstabs go back to normal but if I don't run this code, the "template version" is used for my crosstabs.
Current ODS PATH list is:
What should I do?
So the solution to my problem was the following:
Run this code to know the name of the template to delete:
proc template;
list / store=sasuser.templat;
And then run this one to delete the template:
proc template;
delete base.freq.crosstabfreqs / store=sasuser.templat;