let qrec=Queue.create ()
let rec queueaddrec1 n=
if n==1 then
Queue.add 1 qrec
Queue.add n qrec;
queueaddrec1 (n-1)
let ()=
queueaddrec1 5;
Queue.iter print_int qrec;
VScode told me the following line will never return. I don't why. When I ran it I got a endless loop.
queueaddrec1 5
If I write this:
let rec queueaddrec2 n=
if n>1 then
Queue.add n qrec;
queueaddrec (n-1)
Queue.add 1 qrec
I get another error:
This expression has type 'a but an expression was expected of type
('b->'b Queue.t->unit)->int->int Queue.t->'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside
('a->'a Queue.t->unit)->int->int Queue.t->'b
You should use a code formatting tool: your indentation is lying to you.
Correctly indented and removing the use of ==
(which is not the equality that you want), the first version of your function reads:
let rec queueaddrec1 n=
if n=1 then
Queue.add 1 qrec
Queue.add n qrec;
queueaddrec1 (n-1)
You need parentheses to make the whole sequence
Queue.add n qrec; queueaddrec1 (n-1)
part of the else
Your second version is not syntactically valid, correctly indented and without superfluous spaces it reads as
let rec queueaddrec2 n=
if n>1 then
Queue.add n qrec;
queueaddrec (n-1) else Queue.add 1 qrec
with a keyword else
appearing outside of any if ... then ...