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How to control DaisyUI Modal after update to v3 in ReactJS?

After the update to version 3 of DaisyUI, I no longer have control over how the responsive modal opens and closes. I am using ReactJS. Can someone please help me?

// modal button
<button className="btn" onClick={()=>window.my_modal_5.showModal()}>open modal</button>

// modal
<dialog id="my_modal_5" className="modal modal-bottom sm:modal-middle">
  <form method="dialog" className="modal-box">
    <h3 className="font-bold text-lg">Hello!</h3>
    <p className="py-4">Press ESC key or click the button below to close</p>
    <div className="modal-action">
      {/* if there is a button in form, it will close the modal */}
      <button className="btn">Close</button>

It says, "Open the modal using ID.showModal() method" I just don't understand what that means. In the last version of DaisyUI, this trouble was not there. I'm using this for an old project, I also updated the daisyUI npm package in my project.


  • With daisyui v3 the preferred way to use a modal is using the new Html-dialog-element, which is supported by all browsers.

    The benefits of using the Html-dialog-element are manifold. Check out this useful blog-post:

    Do use it in react, checkout this example:

    function Modal({title, text, visible, onClose}) {
      const modalRef = useRef(null);
      useEffect(() => {
        if (!modalRef.current) {
        visible ? modalRef.current.showModal() : modalRef.current.close();
      }, [visible]);
      const handleClose = () => {
        if (onClose) {
      const handleESC = (event) => {
      return (
        <dialog ref={modalRef} id="my_modal_1" className="modal" onCancel={handleESC}>
          <form method="dialog" className="modal-box">
            <h3 className="font-bold text-lg">Hello!</h3>
            <p className="py-4">Press ESC key or click the button below to close</p>
            <div className="modal-action">
              {/* if there is a button in form, it will close the modal */}
              <button className="btn" onClick={handleClose}>Close</button>