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Why does "heroku console" with Padrino give useless error messages?

When using heroku console, I always get "Internal server error" when an exception is raised rather than a stacktrace as I would expect.

Here's a transcript of what I mean:

$ heroku console
Ruby console for
>> var_that_does_not_exist
 !   Internal server error
$ heroku run bundle exec padrino console -e production
Running bundle exec padrino console -e production attached to terminal... up, run.9
=> Loading production console (Padrino v.0.10.1)
=> Loading Application MyApp
=> Loading Application Admin
irb(main):001:0> var_that_does_not_exist
NameError: undefined local variable or method `var_that_does_not_exist' for main:Object
        from (irb):1

Any ideas on what I can change to get the stack traces?


  • This has been fixed in the latest version of the Heroku gem. Running heroku update should resolve this issue.