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How to Transpose the Entries in the 2nd Column of Grouped Data in Python to Each Be in Their Own Column

Basically I have data that looks like this, with the data grouped by Company and Program and the top 3 Programs by Revenue listed for each Company:

Current Output

That I would like to look like this, where the Companies are on the rows still, but its top 3 Programs are now in their own column, no need to keep the Revenue values in the visible output:

Desired Output

I've tried a few solutions but it wasn't shaping quite the way I expected and I'm having difficulty finding the exact solution online

I'm new to Python so any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • I heavily abbreviated your data frame images. In the future please do not upload images of code but instead give the text itself. Many corporate networks disable image loading.

    df = pd.DataFrame(
        {'c': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B'], 'p': list('WCXANV'), 
         'r': [10, 5, 3, 13, 7, 1]})

    Create descending ranks within each company:

    df['t'] = df.sort_values(by=['c', 'r'], ascending=False) \
        .assign(t=1).groupby('c')['t'].cumcount() + 1

    Stack on company and rank then unstack rank and reset indices.

    >>> df.set_index(['c', 't'])['p'].unstack().reset_index()
    t  c  1  2  3
    0  A  W  C  X
    1  B  A  N  V

    I usually think geometrically though so, for me, stack and unstack operations are very intuitive. Alternatively use pd.pivot:

    >>> df.pivot(index='c', columns='t', values='p')
    t  1  2  3
    A  W  C  X
    B  A  N  V