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Recalculate grid: compare a center cell with its 8 surrounding cells and write out the value

I have a spatial dataframe with three columns, lat, lon and X. X has a set of values from 1-25 which I would like to compare with its immediate surrounding grids.

The lat, lon columns are filled with coordinates as decimals, such as:

24 24 ,
24 24.1 ,
24 24.2 ,

The third column is the value of X.

I would like to compare the value of i.e. X at 24,24 with X at 23.9,24.1 and 23.9,24 and 23.9,23.9 etc (all 8 grids surrounding the one grid)

and for all grids where X value is greater, would like to start building an indice from 1 until 8. (so if x is larger than a neighbouring grid 1, if greater than another neighbouring grid 2, etc.) for all those that are smaller I want to skip to the next grid until all 8 grids are checked against the center grid.

And I would like to loop this to check across a landscape that contains ~300,000 grids.

I cannot figure out the code in R, and if anyone of you have tried a similar thing, or would love to take a stab at it I would very much appreciate the help!

I wrote a for loop with embedded if conditional:

   lat <- seq(38, 39.5, by = 0.1)
    lon <- seq(30, 40, by = 0.1)
    #create empty df
    Per_yr_beta <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 22779))
    #provide column names
    colnames(Per_yr_beta) <- c('Lon', 'Lat', 'Total', 'Beta')
  for (i in lat) {
  if( {ymax1 = (i+0.1)} else {next}

  if( {ymin1 = (i-0.1)} else {next}
  sq_grid <- Per_yr_dummy %>% 
    filter (Lat <= ymax1 & Lat >= ymin1)
  for (j in lon) {
    if( {xmax1 = (i+0.1)} else {next}
    if( {xmin1 = (i-0.1)} else {next}  
  sq_grid <- sq_grid %>% filter (Lon <= xmax1 & Lon >= xmin1);

    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[1]){x=x+1}
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[2]){x=x+1} 
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[3]){x=x+1} 
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[4]){x=x+1}
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[6]){x=x+1}
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[7]){x=x+1}
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[8]){x=x+1}
    if(sq_grid$Total[5] > sq_grid$Total[9]){x=x+1}

    sq_grid$Beta[5] <- x           
    sq_grid_v <-[5, 1:4])
    Per_yr_beta[z,] <- sq_grid_v

Here I'm stuck. The loop runs for the first row, but then nothing...


  • If I understood correctly, you want each new cell to carry the count of adjacent cells with lower values, like this:

    raster and moving-window result

    You can do so by converting your dataframe to a raster and applying a moving window.

    Let's take an easily reproducible 4 x 4 grid (16 cells), specified as a dataframe d:

        d <- data.frame(expand.grid(lon = 1:4, lat = 1:4),
                        X = as.integer(1:16)
        ## > head(d)
        ##   lon lat X
        ## 1   1   1 1
        ## 2   2   1 2
        ## 3   3   1 3
        ## 4   4   1 4
        ## 5   1   2 5
        ## ... 11 more rows

    make it a spatial raster:

        r <- rast(d)
        text(r, labels = values(r))

    a 4 x 4 raster

    use a moving window of edge length w = 3 (3 x 3 cells) which contains the central cell and its adjacent cells (neighbours):

        w_vals = focalValues(r, w = 3,
                             fill = Inf ## (1)

    (1) use Infinite vor ficticious neighbours outside the grid, so they won't contribute to the count of cells with lower values

    ... this results in a 16 x 9 matrix, where each row corresponds to a cell of your initial raster, containing 9 values (central cell and neighbours), the focal central cell in column 5:

    focal values are picked left to right, top to bottom

    Now, count rowwise the sum of values smaller than the focal cell (column 5). These are the values for the recalculated, resulting raster:

    new_vals <- apply(w_vals, 1, \(the_row) sum(the_row[5] > the_row[-5]))

    create new raster and check:

        r_new <- setValues(r, new_vals)
        text(r_new, labels = values(r_new))

    raster recalculated with moving window