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How to prevent logging all of my Entity Framework SQL queries?

I'm using Serilog.Sinks.File and all of my SQL queries are getting logged.

Here is my configuration code:

// Configure Serilog
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WriteTo.File(Path.Combine(applicationContext.GetWorkingPath(), "TrackTrace.WorkerServices.log"),
        rollOnFileSizeLimit: true)

And here is my appsettings.json.

"Logging": {
  "LogLevel": {
    "Default": "Information",
    "Hangfire": "Information",
    "Microsoft": "Warning",
    "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"

With the default Microsoft prefix set to Warning, I was expecting that to eliminate all of the SQL queries. What am I missing?


Here's how I'm configuring my database.

// Configure database
services.AddDbContext<TrackTraceDbContext>(options =>
        builder => builder.MigrationsAssembly(nameof(TTRailtraxEntities)));


  • AFAIK Serilog does not use the default configuration section, try moving the setup to Serilog -> MinimumLevel -> Override:

      "Serilog": {
        "MinimumLevel": {
            "Default": "Information",
            "Override": {
                "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "Warning"

    See the MinimumLevel, LevelSwitches, overrides and dynamic reload of the docs.

    Alternatively you can ignore/change log levels on the context itself on per-event type basis (like here):

    builder.Services.AddDbContext<TrackTraceDbContext>(b => b.UseSqlServer(...)
        .ConfigureWarnings(w => w.Ignore(RelationalEventId.CommandExecuted)));

    Or override the logger factory:

    builder.Services.AddDbContext<TrackTraceDbContext>(b => b.UseSqlServer(...)
        .UseLoggerFactory(new NullLoggerFactory()));