Search code examples

How to rename "Unlabeled Column #N"

I followed the SelectColumnsButton documentation and added an action column. I have the following code:

  <TextField source="id" />
  <TextField source="title" />
  <TextField source="author" />
  <TextField source="year" />
    // This column contains action buttons

Why is the action button column called "Unlabeled Column #4" and how can I rename the column ?

I tried to add a label and a name to the div but nothing worked.

In other part of my app I have way bigger DatagridConfigurable with many custom columns, and it is not user friendly to have 10 columns called "Unlabeled Column #N".


  • From the <DatagridConfigurable> doc:

    The inspector uses the field source (or label when it’s a string) to display the column name. If you use non-field children (e.g. action buttons), then it’s your responsibility to wrap them in a component with a label prop, that will be used by the inspector

    const FieldWrapper = ({ children, label }) => children;
    const PostList = () => (
                <TextField source="id" />
                <TextField source="title" />
                <TextField source="author" />
                <TextField source="year" />
                <FieldWrapper label="Actions">
                    <EditButton />