i want to different transaction for itemReader and itemProcessor and itemWriter
Sample Code :
public Step step() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("stepName")
.reader(reader) // commit before processor for status save to WORKING in DB
.processor(processor) // when processor cause exception then rollback
.writer(writer) // when processor cause exception then save to Fail in DB
is that possible?
i tried these cases
CASE 1: (Not work)
public CustomItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<I,O>{
public O process(I vo) {
return insertMethodInProceesor(I);
CASE 2: (Not work)
public void insertMethodInProceesor() {...}
CASE 3: (Working but not my expected)
return stepBuilderFactory.get("stepName")
This is not possible. All phases of the chunk-oriented processing model are executed within the scope of the same transaction. There are no separate transactions for the reader, processor and writer.