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is there a way to have sanctum on diffrent Vue Projects

Hello I'm using Sanctum To Auth users to the system I need if someone make log in on vue project num1 he be also be logged in on vue vue project num2

I have tried to use cookie like this

       $localeCookie = Cookie::forever('locale', 'en', null, null, null, false);

                // Delete authentication-related cookies
        $response = response()->json($data, 200)->withCookie(cookie()->forget('jwt_token'));

        return  $response->withCookie(cookie('jwt_token', $token, 360));

this returns a cookie when user logs in and it's working fine in and i can see it on the first vue project but it dosent go to vue project num 2


  • Use Temporary signed URL.

    Route::get('sign', function () {
         return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL::temporarySignedRoute(
             ['user' => 1]
    Route::get('loginWithSignedUrl/{user}', function (Request $request, $user) {
        if($request->hasValidSignature()) {