I'm creating State machines using the Symfony Workflow Component (v5.4.21
which seems to be the latest 5.4 release) and generating diagrams using the Mermaid dumper.
When places (steps in a workflow) contains spaces, the generated diagram definition is invalid.
Here's an exemple of a working diagram definition, generated by the dumper :
graph LR
Step10-->|"Goto Step2"|Step21
Step21-->|"Goto Step3"|Step32
And here's the diagram on mermaid.live :
Screenshot of the mermaid.live render
Now, a diagram definition generated from a workflow with places that contain spaces :
graph LR
Step 10(["Step 1"])
Step 21(("Step 2"))
Step 32(("Step 3"))
Step 10-->|"Goto Step2"|Step 21
Step 21-->|"Goto Step3"|Step 32
And here's the error from the mermaid live editor :
Screenshot of the error generated by mermaid.live
The dumper doesn't seem to escape the spaces, thus generating invalid mermaid syntax.
I couldn't find anything on the net about this issue, so I preferred to ask here before submitting a bug report (as per the procedure).
It may also not be a bug, and simply a case of me missing some configuration for the dumper.
Thank you for reading !
This was a bug, which has been fixed in Symfony version 5.4.28 (and 6.3.4).
Updating to 5.4.28 / (6.3.4 if you're on 6.x) should correct the issue.