I need to override the logical id of some HttpLambdaIntegration CDK resources (context is beyond this post, but yes, I know this isn't recommended).
In my CloudFormation stack under Resources, I see the node tree looks like this:
| Logical Id | Physical ID| Type
| ----------------------------------------------------------| -----------| -----------------------------
| MyFrontendHttpApi | |
| - Default Route | |
| - HttpIntegration-123 | |
| |- MyFrontendHttpAPIDefaultRouteHttpIntegration123 | abcde | AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration
| - Resource | |
| |- MyFrontendHttpApiDefaultRouteDDEEFF | fghij | AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route
| |- MyFrontendHttpApiDefaultRouteMyFronte...Permission | klmnop | AWS::Lambda::Permission
To override the HttpIntegration logical id, I'm using this code (as recommended here)
const defaultRoute = httpApi.node.findChild('DefaultRoute');
const myInt = defaultRoute.node.findChild('apiGatewayLambdaIntegration'); // apiGatewayLambdaIntegration is an ID that I specify in my code
const resource = myInt.node.findChild('Resource') as CfnIntegration;
However, how can I access the last one (Lambda permission)?
It doesn't show up as the default child, and I can't seem to find an ID to use in findChild() either. I'm not original writer of this code, but it's not explicitly created anywhere in the code: I imagine it seems to be an auto-generated permission. But it is in this node tree in Cloudformation, so I assume it must be accessible somehow...
The CfnPermission
resource is a child of the route. The Permission's construct ID is the name of your integration followed by -Permission
const cfnPermission = defaultRoute.node.findChild("apiGatewayLambdaIntegration-Permission") as lambda.CfnPermission;