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Menu driven Program not functioning

I am trying to create a Menu Driven program in C but I unable to get back to menu after completing one function. How do I program it so that the program ask the user to continue or not after each function and return to menu?

//program of menu driven program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
    int fac = 1, b, num, p, prime, click, out; //click for selecting the function and ext for goto
    while (1) {
        printf("Welcome to Varied Maths!");
        printf("\nYou can perform the following things here");
        printf("\n1.Factorial of a number\n2.Prime or not\n3.Odd or even\n4.Exit");
        printf("\nEnter your choice:");
        scanf("%d", &click);
        switch (click) {   //for seleting from menu
            case 1: //for factorial 
              printf("Factorial Calculator\n");
              printf("Enter the number:");
              scanf("%d", &num);
              for (p = 1; p <= num; p++) {
                fac = fac * p; //fac=1 which gets multiplied with the num entered the number gets increment and so on
                printf("Factorial of %d is %d", num, fac);

            case 2: //prime numbers using for loop  
              //int prime,b,ent
              printf("Prime or not\n");
              printf("Enter the number:");
              scanf("%d", &prime);
              //int prime,b;
              if (num == 1) {
                printf("1 is Neither composite nor prime");
              if (num == 0) {
                printf("Neithher compossite nor prime");
              for (b = 2; b <= num - 1; b++)
                if (num % b == 0) {
                    printf("%d Not A prime", num);
              if (b == num) {
                printf("Prime Number");
            case 3:
              int odd;
              printf("\nOdd or Even determiner");
              printf("\nEnter the number you want to know about:");
              scanf("%d", &odd);
              if (odd % 2 == 0) {
                printf("The entered number %d is a even number",odd);
              if ((odd % 2) != 0) {
                printf("The entered number %d is a odd number",odd);
            case 4:
              printf("\nThanks for Using Me.\nI would have been too happy if you checked out my functions ");

        return 0;

What should I do? Should I use continue statement or anything else. Please Send Help


  • If you want to exit the while(1) loop from inside the switch, the best is to use a loop control variable:

    int end = 0;
    while (!end) {
        switch(...) {
            case 4:
                end = 1;

    Alternatively if you want to use a break to exit the loop you can do something like that:

    while (1) {
        switch(...) {
        if (click==4)
            break; // that break will exit the active control block, here the current while