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"decorated" keyword not implemented in micropython?

I'm trying to use the aiomqtt module ([]) in a micropython program on an ESP32-S3 system, but I get a syntax error on this statement in aiomqtt's file:

async def decorated(self: ClientT, /, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:

I assume this is because "decorated" is not implemented in micropython, but I'm a bit unclear on Python decorators and hence not sure if that's the real issue. I would appreciate if someone more knowledgeable would comment.

I'm running micropython v1.20.0 (the latest release) and the same code runs fine on python 3.11.0 on my Mac. Is there a workaround that avoids use of "decorated"?


  • The positional-only argument syntax (/) was introduced in Python 3.8. MicroPython 1.20 does not support it.