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Combine CASE expression in JOIN Clause involving different comparison operators

I have two SELECT statements and want to combine them into one JOIN statement based on the input param: @UseFirstOne = true. If @UseFirstOne is true then we join on the first condition and if false, then we join on the second condition.


    JOIN X.[Employee] emp 
     ON emp.EmployeeId = @EmployeeId
     AND emp.BirthYear = @BirthYearFromParam
    JOIN X.[Employee] emp 
     ON emp.EmployeeId = @EmployeeId
     AND emp.BirthYear < @CurrentYear OR (emp.BirthYear = @CurrentYear AND emp.BirthMonth < @CurrentMonth)

How can I combine them into one JOIN statement?


  • You need to think algebraically, and use parenthesis to enforce the logic order you want. Consider:

    DECLARE @UseFirstOne BIT = 0, @BirthYearFromParam INT = 2000
    SELECT *
    FROM Customers
            DATEPART(YEAR,BirthDate) = @BirthYearFromParam 
            AND @UseFirstOne = 1
                DATEPART(YEAR,BirthDate) < DATEPART(YEAR,GETDATE())
                    DATEPART(YEAR,BirthDate) =  DATEPART(YEAR,GETDATE())
                    AND DATEPART(MONTH,BirthDate) < DATEPART(MONTH,GETDATE())
            AND @UseFirstOne = 0