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Reusing window in Qt

I want to create a desktop application using Qt Quick and QML. I understand so far how to manage widgets until I need to change the whole UI.

Example: After logging into Telegram, it loads a completely different UI with the list of your chats.

What is a better way to implement this?


  • You can use StackView for this.

    From the Qt Documentation for StackView:

     ApplicationWindow {
     title: qsTr("Hello World")
     width: 640
     height: 480
     visible: true
     StackView {
         id: stack
         initialItem: mainView
         anchors.fill: parent
     Component {
         id: mainView
         Row {
             spacing: 10
             Button {
                 text: "Push"
                 onClicked: stack.push(mainView)
             Button {
                 text: "Pop"
                 enabled: stack.depth > 1
                 onClicked: stack.pop()
             Text {
                 text: stack.depth

    Basically you push and pop Components to the stack. You can also activate Components on the stack, so you don't have to create them everytime you need an specific item.