I have to following line of code in my Mongoose query which is retrieving the full name of the user in a name field:
populate("reviews.userid",{name:{$concat:["$firstname"," ","$lastname"]}})
How could I extend this to retrieve the first letter of the firstname only, followed by a dot and then the full last name?
E.g. for Mary Khan, I want to retrieve M. Khan
$substr has been deprecated since version 3.4. You can use $substrCP operator to extract first character of the firstname with $toUpper to capitalize it.
populate("reviews.userid", {
name: {
$concat: [
{ $toUpper: { $substrCP: ["$firstname", 0, 1] } },
". ",
You can read more about $substrCP at https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/substrCP/