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php error Call to an undefined static method with PHPStan

I have phpstan in my proyect to analyze all my code. I´m working with laravel and php 8.2.

My problem it´s that when i execute phpStan return any errors and i have one in my function that i´m calling a scope function. this call it´s:

$empresas_informe_gts = Empresa::filtrarConLiquidacionesOrdenadosPorNombre($argsScope);

and in Empresa i have this function defined:

public function scopeFiltrarConLiquidacionesOrdenadosPorNombre($query, $args)

But the analysis, return

Call to an undefined static method

I try to add in function:

     * @param Query<String> $query
     * @return Object<Object>

but i have same error. This function scope, have a return $query with any joins and method get().

Thanks for readme and sorry for my bad english


  • The PhpDoc notation is not @param but @method

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
    /** @method static Builder filtrarConLiquidacionesOrdenadosPorNombre (array $args)

    One of the points of PHPStan is to check type matching, so the more you typehint the more it can help.

    public function scopeFiltrarConLiquidacionesOrdenadosPorNombre(Builder $query, array $args): Builder

    A smaller point, as the query builder Builder, is an object you do not have to return it in scopes. As objects is always passed by reference.