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Issue with translating slug page in Nuxt3 with i18n

I am trying to translate pages/post/[slug].vue url. Currently it goes to localhost/post/slug but I want it to be localhost/postitus/slug when I have different language(Estonian) set.

Nuxt3 defineI18nRoute works in pages/favorites/index.vue and when I have et locale set then it goes to localhost/lemmikud and works fine

  <div class="content">
        <h1>Minu lemmikud</h1>   

<script setup>
  paths: {
    et: "/lemmikud",

However this doesn't work in pages/post/[slug].vue. When I got to localhost/postitus/slug then it gives me 404 error.

<script setup>
  paths: {
    et: "/postitus",
    en: "/post",

Does anyone know how to translate url for slugs? Cheers!


  • I solved this with reading a little bit of i18n documentation

    So what I needed to do is add customRoutes with pages attribute in my nuxt.config.ts.

     i18n: {
        locales: [
            code: "et",
            name: "Estonian",
            file: "et.json",
            code: "en",
            name: "English",
            file: "en.json",
        defaultLocale: "et",
        langDir: "./locales/",
        config: {
          fallbackLocale: "et",
        //These lines below will translate my post/slug to postitus/slug    
        customRoutes: 'config',
        pages: {
          'post/[slug]': {
            et: '/postitus/[slug]', 
            en: '/post/[slug]', 