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Replace content of one line by checking previous and next line

I am trying to replace content by checking previous lines as well as the next line. As shown below.


Replace <IpAdd>any IP address</IpAdd> with <IpAdd></IpAdd> for which the next line is <port>1123</port> and it should be under <Info><pInfo>"eth0"</pInfo> section.

What I tried:

sed -E "/<Info>/{n;/<pInfo>/{n;s@<IpAdd>.*<([^\n]*\n[^\n]*<port>1123</port>)@<IpAdd><@}}" test.txt

Want to replace in the line above port 1123. If I remove ([^\n]*\n[^\n]*<port>1123</port>), then it replaces both ips under Info.





  • This might work for you (GNU sed):

    sed -E '/<Info>/{:a;N;/<\/Info>$/!ba
            s/(<IpAdd>).*(<\/IpAdd>\n<port>1123<\/port>)/\1111.111.111.111\2/}' file

    Gather up the lines between <Info> and </Info> and then match the two lines within the collection that start with <IpAddr> and end with 1123</port> and replace the old address with the new address.