I am new to coding and have put together some code to reference Google Sheet values to create Google Tasks. However, when I run the script it doesn't seem to check the existing task title and dueDate and creates duplicate tasks. I don't know if I coded the task IF statement wrong or missed something in the section of the code with my comment.
/// This code doesn't seem to validate Task Title and dueDate but creates duplicate tasks
if (tasks[i].getTitle() == 'taskTitle' && tasks[i].getdue() == 'startDate') {
function CreateTask() {
const ID = '1MkimspZROYFPFApQECWHETIwMkWfQ5aizj0Da17cVhs';
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ID).getSheetByName('Database');
var TASK_LIST_ID = '@default';
var index = 2; // This indicates start looking at row 2
var LastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
for (;index<=LastRow; index++){
var taskTitle = sheet.getRange(index,2,1,1).getValue();
var startDate = sheet.getRange(index,1,1,1).getValue();
var checkOnMe = sheet.getRange(index,7,1,1).getValue();
var status = sheet.getRange(index,8,1,1).getValue();
if (checkOnMe == "Yes" && taskTitle && startDate && status != "Complete")
/// This code doesn't seem to validate Task Title and dueDate but creates a
duplicate tasks
var tasks = Tasks.Tasks.list('MDk4MjA3ODcxNzU1OTc3NjQxOTk6MDow').getItems();
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
if (tasks[i].getTitle() == 'taskTitle' && tasks[i].getdue() == 'startDate') {
var task = Tasks.newTask();{
task.title = sheet.getRange(index,2,1,1).getValue();
task.notes = 'Checking In';
var dueDate = sheet.getRange(index,1,1,1).getValue();
dueDate.setDate(dueDate.getDate() + 0);
task.due = dueDate.toISOString();
var newTask = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, TASK_LIST_ID);
console.log('Task with title = %s, id = %s and notes = %s was created. ' +
'Task is due on %s.',
newTask.title, newTask.id, newTask.notes, newTask.due);
is used in a loop, the process cost becomes high. RefTasks.Tasks.list
can be used only one time.if (tasks[i].getTitle() == 'taskTitle' && tasks[i].getdue() == 'startDate') {
, 'taskTitle'
and 'startDate'
are used as the string of taskTitle
and startDate
. I think that this might be the reason for your current issue.When these points are reflected in your script, how about the following modification?
Please set your Spreadsheet ID and Task list ID.
function CreateTask() {
const ID = '###';
const TASK_LIST_ID = '###';
const taskObj = Tasks.Tasks.list(TASK_LIST_ID).getItems().reduce((s, e) => s.add(e.title + "_" + (e.due ? e.due.split("T")[0] : "")), new Set());
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ID).getSheetByName('Database');
const values = sheet.getRange("A2:H" + sheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
values.forEach(([dueDate, taskTitle, , , , , checkOnMe, status]) => {
if (checkOnMe == "Yes" && taskTitle && dueDate && status != "Complete") {
dueDate.setDate(dueDate.getDate() + 0);
const due = dueDate.toISOString();
const k = taskTitle + "_" + due.split("T")[0];
if (!taskObj.has(k)) {
const task = Tasks.newTask();
task.title = taskTitle;
task.notes = 'Checking In';
task.due = due;
const newTask = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, TASK_LIST_ID);
console.log('Task with title = %s, id = %s and notes = %s was created. ' + 'Task is due on %s.', newTask.title, newTask.id, newTask.notes, newTask.due);
When this script is run, the title and the due are searched from the task items. When the row value is not included in the task items, a new task is created.
If you want to use 2 task list IDs, please modify const taskObj = Tasks.Tasks.list(TASK_LIST_ID).getItems().reduce((s, e) => s.add(e.title + "_" + (e.due ? e.due.split("T")[0] : "")), new Set());
and const newTask = Tasks.Tasks.insert(task, TASK_LIST_ID);