Odoo 16, Pydantic v2, extendable-pydantic 1.1.0
Use case:
Simplified dummy implemenation :
Main module , main.py
from extendable_pydantic import ExtendableModelMeta
from pydantic import BaseModel
from extendable import context, registry
class MainModel(BaseModel, metaclass=ExtendableModelMeta):
field_a: str
field_b: int
_registry = registry.ExtendableClassesRegistry()
... fastApi endpoints that utilize MainModel below ...
Addon module A, extended_main.py
from odoo.addons.main_module.modules.main import MainModel
class ExtendedMainModel(MainModel, extends=MainModel):
field_c: int
The result is that ExtendedMainModel is ignored and MainModel has only field_a and field_b
You need to initialize the registry after declaring all classes (in module A) as stated in the Extendable project description:
To finalyse the process, we need to instruct the runtime that all our class declarations are done by building the final class definitions and making it available into the current execution context.