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Lambda console is erroring on non fatal exception

Hey all im running some code in the lambda console and getting the following error:

  "errorMessage": "'message'",
  "errorType": "KeyError",
  "requestId": "47445356-38a2-43ec-98f5-2dde22c6af1f",
  "stackTrace": [
    "  File \"/var/task/\", line 11, in lambda_handler\n    dynamodb.pushPriceHistoryToDynamo(str(\n",
    "  File \"/opt/python/\", line 17, in pushPriceHistoryToDynamo\n    response = self.newTable.createPriceHistoryTable(tableName)\n",
    "  File \"/opt/python/\", line 37, in createPriceHistoryTable\n    print(f\"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']} Table already created\")\n"

This is an exception I have caught in my code on purpose however it is non-fatal and should still continue. That being said I went ahead and add a "pass" in the exception but it is still erroring out below is the code block its talking about:

    def createPriceHistoryTable(self, tableName: str) -> int:
            response = self.dynamodb.create_table(
                        'AttributeName': 'date',
                        'KeyType': 'HASH'  # Hash Key
                        'AttributeName': 'date',
                        'AttributeType': 'S'  # string data type
                    'ReadCapacityUnits': 1,
                    'WriteCapacityUnits': 50
            print("[createNewTable]: New table created")
            return 200
        except ClientError  as err:
            if err.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 400:
                print(f"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']} Table already created")
                print(f"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']}")
            return err.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']

Here is the lambda function I am actually running:

import json
import dynamodbPushData
import RegionIdEnum
import ItemIdEnum
import time

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    dynamodb = dynamodbPushData.pushData()
    for i in list(ItemIdEnum.item):
        # dynamodb.pushItemOrdersToDynamo(str(

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')

Edit: Commenting out the prints and leaving the pass in does fix it. That being said I would like to log proper information for debugging. Should i use a logger instead?

except ClientError  as err:
            # if err.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 400:
            #     print(f"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']} Table already created")
            # else:
            #     print(f"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']}")
            return err.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']
        except KeyError:
            # if err.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 400:
            #     print(f"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']} Table already created")
            # else:
            #     print(f"[createNewTable]: {err.response['message']}")
            return err.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']


  • Here's an example from the docs of the data structure that the ClientError contains:

        'Error': {
            'Code': 'SomeServiceException',
            'Message': 'Details/context around the exception or error'
        'ResponseMetadata': {
            'RequestId': '1234567890ABCDEF',
            'HostId': 'host ID data will appear here as a hash',
            'HTTPStatusCode': 400,
            'HTTPHeaders': {'header metadata key/values will appear here'},
            'RetryAttempts': 0

    To access the error message you'd need to use:

    # Message with Capital M

    You're trying to access a non-existent key in your print statements, thus the KeyError.